More Fun for Willow!

This is a photo of my 2nd hike in the woods this fall.  Notice that I have a beautiful purple matching leash and collar.  Dogs are supposed to stay on leash in the state forest, even though many are not.  I stay on my leash to remain safely with Mom & Dad.


Today I spent time outside and played with a pumpkin instead of a ball.  First I carried it around by the stem, then I broke the stem off and rolled it around.  Finally, I tried to eat it!


The Life of Willow

Thanks for joining me and following my story!  I welcome your comments.  I  was saved, found in a box by the side of the road, and rescued by Mary’s Dogs.  I was adopted by a very loving family, and my world was changed.  Now I snuggle, play, go on walks, and make new friends…what fun!  I am such a happy dog, and I know I am loved.

Click here to see dogs who still need a new home on the Mary’s Dogs website.